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Convertible Collection

Convertible Collection

Compatible only with the T3 Convertible Base.

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7 products


CONVERTIBLE BASE COMPATIBLEFINAL SALESave 30%Side view of the T3 1.25” Polished Clip Barrel Curling Iron compatible with T3 Convertible Base/a/_/a_01_polished_angled_2400x2400_o.jpg
POLISHED CURLS BARREL1.25" Convertible Collection Barrel Sale price$69.99 Regular price$100.00
CONVERTIBLE BASE COMPATIBLEFINAL SALESold outSave 30%Side view of the T3 Clip Barrel Curling Iron/a/_/a_01_defined_angled_2400x2400_o.jpg
DEFINED CURLS BARREL1" Convertible Collection Barrel Sale price$69.99 Regular price$100.00
CONVERTIBLE BASE COMPATIBLESold outSide view of the 1.5” Clip and Ceramic Curling Iron from T3’s Convertible Collection/a/_/a_01_voluminous_cc_2400x2400_o.jpg
VOLUMINOUS CURLS BARREL1.5" Convertible Collection Barrel Sale price$100.00
CONVERTIBLE BASE COMPATIBLEFINAL SALESave 30%Side view of 1” Interchangeable Curling Wand from the T3 Convertible Collection/a/_/a_01_undone_angled_cc_2400x2400_o.jpg
UNDONE WAVES BARREL1" Convertible Collection Barrel Sale price$69.99 Regular price$100.00
CONVERTIBLE BASE COMPATIBLEFINAL SALESave 30%Side view of 1.5” Interchangeable Curling Wand from the T3 Convertible Collection/a/_/a_01_loose_angled_2400x2400_o.jpg
LOOSE WAVES BARREL1.5" Convertible Collection Barrel Sale price$69.99 Regular price$100.00
CONVERTIBLE BASE COMPATIBLEFINAL SALESave 30%/a/_/a_01_taperedangled_2400x2400_o.jpg/a/_/a_03_wands_pvd_2400x2400_o.jpg
TOUSLED WAVES BARREL1.25" - 0.75" Tapered Convertible Collection Barrel Sale price$69.99 Regular price$100.00
CONVERTIBLE BASE COMPATIBLEFINAL SALESave 30%Side view of the 0.75”- 1.25” Reversed Tapered Barrel Ceramic Curling Wand from T3’s Convertible Collection/a/_/a_01_cc_rtaper-angled_2400x2400_o.jpg
CASCADING WAVES BARREL Sale price$69.99 Regular price$100.00

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